Miguel Santiago is an education leader, community organizer, and State Assemblymember who has dedicated his career to uplifting working Angelenos. Miguel was first elected in November 2014 to represent a district encompassing Boyle Heights, Downtown Los Angeles, Koreatown, Pico Union and the surrounding areas.
In the Legislature, Miguel has fought for increased funding to solve homelessness, provide tens of millions of dollars to the district, delivered over $573 million to clean up the toxic contamination caused by Exide Technologies, expand healthcare and food for all, fund community programs, build affordable housing, and he led the effort to make community college free. He’s also fought to keep our communities safe and provide greater economic opportunities for our communities and small businesses.

"The time for change in Los Angeles' 14th District is now.
The only way to move beyond the controversies of the past is to send a new leader to City Hall who will turn the page and lead our community into a new direction. I’m dedicated to bringing our communities together.
I’m running for Los Angeles City Council to enact bold progressive change and transform our city, to end the corruption at City Hall that holds us back and to deliver real reforms that ensure city government works for the people - not just the elite and well connected.
People across the 14th Council District are struggling. Housing is too costly and out of reach for too many. Homelessness is widespread. Corruption at City Hall has been out of control. Job creation has been sidelined, while the cost of living has skyrocketed. A pathway to the middle class has seemed unattainable for too many, for too long.
Los Angeles can do better. We can create more good paying jobs and protect the integrity of our neighborhoods, have a strong economy while also ensuring environmental protections to fight climate change.
We can have forward-thinking criminal justice reforms and safer communities at the same time, deliver compassion to the unhoused, while also enacting tangible solutions to homelessness. We can hold politicians accountable and end City Hall corruption. We can have a new Councilmember who is resolutely committed to delivering for the people of CD-14 - not someone who is singularly focused on maintaining power for themselves.
In the nation's second largest city, there's no reason we can't do all this and more. All it takes is the political will and the courage to act and deliver the big and bold change that the people of Los Angeles need and deserve. On the Council, this will be my mission."